新加坡国立大学Prof.Teo Hock Hai讲座

发布者:英国正版365官方网站办公室     时间:2016-11-10     阅读次数:1953

讲座(一)主题:Keep  on Running: The Impact of Technology-Enabled Competition Platform on Persistent  Health Behavior

主讲人:  Prof.  Teo Hock Hai(新加坡国立大学信息系统系)





Professor  Teo Hock Hai(张福海教授)曾任新加坡国立大学信息系统系系主任、新加坡国立大学计算机学院副院长等职位。他的研究领域主要包括创新吸收、IT驱动决策、电子健康等。他担任了多个国际权威刊物的编委或高级编辑(如MIS  Quarterly、Information  Systems Research等)。他在  MIS Quarterly、Information  Systems Research等权威国际刊物发表有影响力的期刊文章70余篇,会议论文90余篇,在信息系统领域取得了令人尊敬的学术成就。2012年被评为全球Top  100 信息系统学者(根据过去3年和过去5年MISQ  Quarterly和Information  Systems Research这两本杂志的发表量排行)。


Abstract:  Cultivating persistent health behavior is a perennial issue that is of great  interest to academics and practitioners. Despite the significant potential of  emerging ICTs such as wearable devices and fitness mobile apps in promoting  health behaviors, it remains unclear whether they are sufficient for sustained  behaviors. As one of the solutions, IT developers have embedded the use of  wearable devices and fitness apps within a competition context. Differing from  the self-contained offline competition, this Technology-Enabled Competition  Platform offers visualization tools for users to monitor their focal activity  (e.g., running) in real time and social networking features that connect people  from diverse background to compete with and support one another in the focal  activity. However, the impact of such competition platform on persistent  behavior has yet to be examined. The objective of this work is to understand the  role of such competition platform in cultivating persistent health behavior.  Drawing on social comparison theory and social network perspective, this study  seeks to develop a theory-driven model to understand how different comparison  processes (i.e., social comparison and self-comparison), social relationship  with comparison referents, and technology-enabled self-tracking systems affect  persistent health behavior. We empirically test the model using longitudinal  panel data collected from a popular technology-enabled competition platform.  This study contributes to the extant literature by conceptualizing the role of  technology-enabled competition platforms in promoting persistent behavior, and  unveiling the role of self-tracking systems in promoting persistent health  behavior. Practically, this study is expected to provide valuable insights to IT  designers and consumer health IT developers on engaging users and sustaining  long-term behavior.


讲座(二)主题:How  to identify research topics

主讲人:  Prof.  Teo Hock Hai(新加坡国立大学信息系统系)






• Shugan, S. M., “Defining Interesting Research Problems,”  Marketing Science, vol. 22, no. 1, 2003, 1-15.

• Alvesson, M. and Sandbeg, J. “Generating Research Questions  Through Problematization,” Academy of Management Review, vol. 36, no. 2, 2011,  247-271.

•  Colquitt, J. A. and Zapata-Phelan, C.P., “Trends in Theory Building and Theory  Testing: A Five-Decade Study of the Academy of Management Journal,”Academy of  Management Journal, vol. 50, no. 6, 2007, pp. 1281-1303 (less relevant but  interesting to know).




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