Climate governance in carbon-intensive industry: how to make the connection?

发布者:英国正版365官方网站办公室     时间:2016-11-17     阅读次数:1820

报告题目:Climate governance in carbon-intensive industry: how to make the connection?


报告时间:2016年11月21日(星期一)上午9:30 – 11:30





This seminar investigates whether a theoretical framework offer possibilities to restructure to a sustainable, environmental-friendly socio-economic system, which can further contribute to the climate governance at the industry level. The framework is combined with pro-growth machine, carbon lock-in theory and Institutional Industry Complex (IIC) thesis, which were therefore applied to explain the pro-growth coalition of carbon-intensive industry in China. Consensus building of the research framework is based upon a case study of the Petro-Chemical state owned enterprises in China. Drawing upon the in-depth interviews with the stakeholders in the IIC system, the research discovered the pro-growth coalition of Petro-Chemical industry in China. This paper finally concludes by constructing a pro-growth coalition that could serve as a program to unlock the path-dependence of petrochemical industry and foster the anti-coalition mechanism, which can act as proactive approaches for climate governance.


张晓玲,博士,香港城市大学博士生导师,副教授(终身),中华建设管理委员会常任理事, 国际SCI收录 期刊《Journal of cleaner production》主题编辑 (Subject Editor)。

曾于2010年毕业于香港理工大学建筑与房地产学系,并于2011年执教于香港大学城市规划与设计系,后加入香港城市大学公共政策系。自2015年6起被聘为SCI期刊 “Journal of Cleaner Production”(2016影响因子:4.959)的主题编辑(Regional Sustainable Development Initiatives and Transformations),负责区域可持续发展与转型方向的审稿及定稿工作。同时担任多个SCI及SSCI 国际英文期刊的审稿专家。主要研究方向为可持续区域与城乡发展, 企业环境策略,能源经济及管理策略,地产及建筑企业可持续竞争优势等领域。作为一个具有经管学科背景的工学博士学者,她注重学科交融与跨学科研究探索,力图在区域环境科学研究创新的同时,探索其相关管理及社会学意义,并研究应用推广的政策,相关学术成果已在Scientific Report上面发表近100篇SCI/SSCI学术论文。曾应邀赴剑桥大学等海内外多所知名学府做短期的学术访问交流。目前正作为项目负责人承担若干项中国国家自然科学基金;在香港目前正承担一项由香港环境署(ECF)资助的题为“基於社區的香港家庭碳排放減少的支付意願與激勵”的研究项目。


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