Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) Workshop

发布者:英国正版365官方网站办公室     时间:2017-06-06     阅读次数:2320



Instructor(主讲): Xi Zhu, PhD, Associate Professor of Health Management and Policy

Course Overview(讲座概要):The workshop provides a ground-up introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and a brief hands-on session to work with the fsQCA software package.


QCA is an analytic technique that uses Boolean algebra to implement principles of comparison used by scholars engaged in the qualitative study of macro or micro social phenomena. Typically, qualitatively oriented scholars examine only a few cases at a time, but their analyses are both intensive and integrative. By formalizing the logic of qualitative analysis, QCA makes it possible to bring the logic and empirical intensity of qualitative approaches to studies that embrace more than a handful of cases -- research situations that normally call for the use of variable-oriented, quantitative methods. Boolean methods of logical comparison represent each case as a combination of causal and outcome conditions. These combinations are compared with each other and then logically simplified through a bottom-up process of paired comparison.


Required Readings(指定阅读):

(1)Ragin, Charles C. 2008. Redesigning Social Inquiry: Fuzzy-Sets and Beyond. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.Chapters 1-5

(2)Ragin, Charles C. 1987. The Comparative Method: Moving beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.Chapters 6 & 7

(3)Ragin, Charles C. 2000. Fuzzy Set Social Science. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.Chapters 3 & 4

主讲:朱熹 – 爱荷华大学医疗管理与政策系副教授








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