格致微观与产业经济论坛之六:Buying Reputation as a Signal of Quality: Evidence from an Online Marketplace

发布者:英国正版365官方网站办公室     时间:2017-11-10     阅读次数:2405

报告题目:Buying Reputation as a Signal of Quality: Evidence from an Online Marketplace(购买声誉作为质量的信号:来自网上市场的证据)

报告人:李玲芳 复旦大学管理学院副教授

报告时间:20171117日(周五)上午10:30 - 12:00


主持人:李佑平 副教授



Seller reputation generated by consumers leaving feedback is critical to foster trust in online marketplaces. Yet feedback may be under-provided if consumers are not rewarded to leave feedback. Signaling theory predicts that only high quality sellers would reward buyers for truthful feedback. We explore this scope for signaling using Taobao’s “reward-for-feedback” mechanism and find that items with rewards generate sales that are nearly 30% higher and are sold by higher quality sellers, consistent with a signaling equilibrium. The market de- sign implication is that marketplaces can benefit from allowing sellers to use rewards to build reputations and signal their high quality in the process.


李玲芳, 现任复旦大学管理学院副教授,美国加州大学尔湾分校经济学博士。其主要研究涉及信息经济学、管理信息系统、市场营销及行为经济学等等方面, 具有较强的交叉学科属性。近年研究主要集中在运用市场机制设计和行为经济学方法来研究如何有效整合个体的偏好及信息从而达到合理资源配置和提升市场效率。主持过多项国家自然科学基金项目,作为子项目的专题负责人参与国家自然科学基金重点项目。发表多篇匿名评审学术期刊论文,包括管理学科顶尖期刊Management Science及国内顶级期刊《管理科学学报》等。曾获得国家自然科学基金优青项目,上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果论文奖二等奖及上海浦江人才曙光人才计划。


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