
发布者:英国正版365官方网站办公室     时间:2018-11-21     阅读次数:1919

报告题目:Contract Design in China’s Rural Land Rental Market: Contractual Flexibility and Rental Payment

报告人:杨子砚 (厦门大学 经济学院)






I study bargaining over contract arrangements——contractual flexibility and rental payments——that profoundly affects the ex-post surplus of China’s rural land rentals in the context of urban-rural separation. My theory suggests which equations should be estimated to test bargaining over multiple contractual terms. My theoretically justified empirical structure differs from conventional models and helps to explain seemingly inconsistent empirical results reported in the literature. Applying transactional data that fully represent the distribution characteristics of rental attributes, I draw two conclusions while also supporting my characterization of the bargaining mechanism. First, compared with renting-in partners, renting-out agents respond more strongly to non-agricultural employment uncertainty induced by urban- rural separation, which increases contractual flexibility. Second, social proximity helps non-stranger entrepreneurs obtain low-flexibility contracts without fully compensating renting-out agents, suggesting that urban-rural separation erects a social barrier to strangers that village trust lowers because social proximity and contractual flexibility are complements in highly trusting environments.

Keywords: Land rentals, Rental contractual arrangements, Contractual flexibility, Chinese rural economy



杨子砚 系厦门大学经济学院与邹至庄经济研究中心双聘的助理教授,博士毕业于美国马里兰大学农业与资源经济系。一直专注于将制度经济学与农业资源经济学相结合,应用于中国“三农”问题的理论和实证研究中。目前主要研究包括农地流转市场中的契约设计、村级流转市场运行制度形成机理及流转后农地使用和农业生产引起的环境问题。


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