Kato Kimbugwe博士讲座:Trade Facilitation and Economic Growth in East Africa

发布者:英国正版365官方网站办公室     时间:2018-12-11     阅读次数:1984

讲座题目:Trade Facilitation and Economic Growth in East Africa

主讲人:Kato Kimbugwe博士





Abstract:This is a research paper presented to United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. This is paper demonstrates the importance of trade facilitation in Eastern Africa region. Situation analysis of trade facilitation trends within in the region is provided, and the economic impact of trade facilitation is investigated. The challenges in implementing trade facilitation in the region are also highlighted.


报告人简介:Kato Kimbugwe博士,Dynamic Analysis Ltd.创始人,曾为联合国非洲经济委员会、比利时Enabel伍德基金会等提供产业发展战略咨询;曾经任教英国威尔士大学,著有一部著作、多篇国际期刊论文以及大量政策咨询报告。主要研究方向为国际贸易与经济一体化。


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