
发布者:英国正版365官方网站办公室     时间:2019-04-15     阅读次数:2210

讲座主题: Publish in international journals

演讲人:Wenjuan Zhang副教授(华威大学华威英国正版365官方网站)





Research is defined as creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications. It is important that research is disseminated to the wider community through different medias, including publish in academic journals. It is highly competitive to write for academic journals, and even harder for international journals which can be less familiar to us.

There’s no simple formula for getting published - editors’ expectations can vary and reviewers’ opinions can be biased. But there are some principles and tips could help all academic writers regardless of their discipline. How to choose the right journal to submit? Is there a correct way to structure a paper? How should you respond to reviewers’ feedback? And should you always bother revising and resubmitting? This talk will try to share some tips on getting published in international journals.


Dr Zhang is an Associate Professor in the Operational Research Group at Warwick Business School, The University of Warwick. She was formerly a statistical consultant in the RISCU (Risk Initiative & Statistical Consultancy Unit) at the Department of Statistics of Warwick University. Her current research interest is in applying business analytics tools and using big data to optimise the maintenance strategies of engineering assets. She has worked on over 20 research and consultancy projects from a wide range of clients from industry, commerce and the public sector, as well as working collaboratively with the wider academic community internationally. Her work has been published on academic journals, such as European Journal of Operational Research, Reliability Engineering and System Safety.


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