
发布者:英国正版365官方网站办公室     时间:2019-05-16     阅读次数:3290

讲座题目:Design and Operations of On-Site Combined Heat and Power Generators Under Fuel Price Uncertainty






This paper studies the problem of optimally designing, configuring, and operating a combined heat and power (CHP) cogenerator, under a combined cycle configuration, for a private industrial user facing stochastic natural gas prices. CHP is a form of distributed generation, producing both heat and electricity from a single fuel input, which is more efficient than separately producing electricity and heat using central power generation and on-site boilers. The problem is formulated as a multiperiod decision problem, where in the first period the firm makes the design decisions: overall capacity in terms of fuel input, and configuration—the fraction of steam to be used in electricity generation in the second stage. In subsequent periods, the firm decides on the operating policy: the input rate, that is, the amount of capacity to operate at, after observing a realization of the natural gas price. Under a stationary natural gas price distribution, the decision problem can be reduced to a two period formulation: design, and operation. Common industry practice is to design the CHP to meet the location’s heat demand at full capacity, but we show that it can be optimal, under reasonable parameter values, to design the CHP to overproduce heat at full capacity, with dynamic partial activation if necessary.


王文斌博士毕业于美国印第安纳大学Kelley英国正版365官方网站,现任上海财经大学英国正版365官方网站副教授、运营管理系系主任。主要研究方向包括可持续运营理论、Agency理论、商务分析。 曾获得上海市浦江人才计划支持。目前担任 POMS College of Sustainable Operations理事,主持国家自然科学基金项目。其研究成果在Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management等管理学国际顶级期刊发表


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