
发布者:英国正版365官方网站办公室     时间:2019-05-16     阅读次数:2279

讲座题目:Product Sourcing and Distribution Strategies under Supply Disruption and Recall Risks






When product recalls happen, firms not only have to incur additional logistics costs but also suffer from a damaged reputation. Besides, they may also supply disruption risk, under which a supplier could fail to deliver the quantity ordered at all. In this paper, we discuss how to mitigate supply disruption and recall risks in the perspective of (outbound) product distribution strategy in joint with (inbound) sourcing decision. Specifically, we compare the dedicated and uniform distribution strategies as follows: in the dedicated strategy, the firm divides its market into several regions, and ships products from different suppliers based on the regions; whereas, in the uniform strategy, the firm serves the entire market by randomly shipping the products from several suppliers without distinguishing their sources. Through the comparison of both strategies, we show that the role of recall risk is different from that of supply disruption on the sourcing and distribution decision. In particular, single sourcing is optimal when both recall risk and disruption probability are low; dual sourcing with the dedicated strategy is optimal when the disruption probability is moderate and the recall risk is high; dual sourcing with the uniform strategy is optimal when the disruption probability is high. We also find that the positive correlation in recalls improves (undermines) the performance of the uniform (dedicated) strategy. In contrast, the positive correlation in supply disruptions only undermines the performance of the uniform strategy.



荣鹰博士2008年毕业于美国Lehigh大学工业与系统工程系,现为上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院教授,2015年国家优秀青年基金获得者。研究兴趣为服务系统的运营优化、新兴商业模型的运作、供应链管理、数据驱动的优化模型等。获得了很多荣誉,例如2018年MSOM 最佳论文奖。在知名国际学术期刊发表了15篇论文,其中在Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management,Production and Operations Management等管理学国际顶级期刊上发表论文6篇。


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