讲座:Economic Influence of One Belt One Road on South Asia: The Case of Nepal

发布者:英国正版365官方网站办公室     时间:2019-05-21     阅读次数:2016

报告题目:Economic Influence of One Belt One Road on South Asia: The Case of Nepal 

报告人:Dr. Kalyan Raj Sharma 

报告时间:2019 年 5 月 24 日(周五) 上午 10:00-11:30 

报告地点:英国正版365官方网站大楼 401 主持人:申朴 邀请部门:英国正版365官方网站经济学系 


China marks the sixth year of the Belt and Road Initiative this year. Around 62 percent of world population and nearly 30 percent global GDP is covered along the Maritime Silk Road and Silk Road Economic Belt. Through promoting free and fair trade across countries by lowering the trade costs, increasing competitiveness, boosting up infrastructures and providing broader connectivity, for concerned countries in South Asia, One Belt One Road is helpful to diversify trade, reduce trade deficit and promote cultural relations. With the participation in One belt one Road, the free trade, financial integration, policy coordination and people-to-people relations between Nepal and China have been further solidified.  

Kalyan Raj Sharma (中文名:高亮) 博士简介: Dr. Kalyan is the president of Nepal China Friendship Forum, visiting lecturer at Kathmandu University and Fudan University, the executive member of “Youth Television Nepal” and “National Tourism Federation”, the founder chairman of "My Home" the Orphanage at Nepal. His research and practice areas focus on International Trade and Cross-Border Service in Tourism. Dr. Kalyan is good at Chinese. He has published many academic papers on Chinese journals such as “中国外汇储备规模影 响及其因素的实证分析,《统计与决策》, 2009 (03) , etc. Some seminars he chaired include representing Nepal at “Belt and Road Initiative Summit”, organized by Fudan University in Shanghai, 2017 and representing as president of Nepal China Friendship Forum at “International Colloquium on China’s project—The Belt & Road Initiative” in China, 2016 & 2017. Some media reports about him in China include “尼泊尔嘉宾 肯定西藏发展:期待尼中合作前景” (中新网,2018-09-11); “驻尼泊尔大使侯艳琪 会见尼中友好论坛主席高亮” (外交部,2019-03-06). 


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