发布者:英国正版365官方网站办公室 时间:2019-05-22 阅读次数:2608
英国正版365官方网站组织管理研究所与旧金山大学中国企业管理研究所将于2019 年 5 月 25-26 日召开第四届国际研讨会。研讨会将为学者们就当前和未来新兴市场国家对外直接投资问题提供一个交流的平台。在两天的会议中,我们将提供包括主题演讲、学术及业界对话、论文宣读等在内的各种活动,以期在全球经济变革情境下,更好地理解新兴市场国家对外直接投资的相关问题。
The 4th East China University of Science and Technology - University of San Francisco
International Symposium
Foreign Direct Investment from Emerging Economies under Global Uncertainty
Date: May 25-26, 2019
Location: School of Business, East China University of Science and Technology
Shanghai, P.R. China
May 25th, 2019 | ||
Time | Activities | Venue |
11:00 – 18:00 | Registration Lobby (1st Floor), School of Business | |
13:00 – 14:30 | 中文论坛1 主持人:关涛 华东理工大学 点评人:张 骁 南京大学 演讲者: Ø 如何提高在《外国经济与管理》上发表论文的命中率? 宋澄宇 《外国经济与管理》杂志社 Ø 一带一路条件下的企业国际化战略 李 平 宁波诺丁汉大学 Ø 中国企业如何管理海外企业? 张刚峰 浙江大学 Ø 时间挤压不经济视角下的企业国际化研究 陈 岩 北京邮电大学 Ø 基于传统文化底蕴的老字号品牌国际化策略研究 杨桂菊 华东理工大学 | 111 |
13:00 – 14:30 | 中文论坛2 主持人:周 俊 苏州大学 点评人:吕 萍 中国科学院大学 演讲者: Ø 海外并购与产业技术创新 吴先明 武汉大学 Ø 国别差距对企业在东道国社会责任行为的影响研究 郑琴琴 复旦大学 Ø 嵌入全球价值链的企业技术能力构建路径 叶广宇 华南理工大学 Ø Revisiting the impact of multinationality on firm performance and exploring the context-Specific Implications 李 磊 宁波诺丁汉大学 Ø 国际化速度、资源同步与绩效 黄 胜 广东外语外贸大学, | 413 |
13:00 – 14:30
| Belt & Road Data Mining Forum Moderator: Ping Deng Cleveland State University Ø Theoretical development and future direction Ping Deng Cleveland State University Ø Introduction for Belt & Road data mining techniques Yiying Fan Cleveland State University Ø Belt & Road data collaboration Jiafei Jin Harbin Institute of Technology Ø Risk Management and Big Data in investing BRI projects John Wang Chinese Biz News Ø TBA Tiejun Zhang Belt & Road Global Chamber Alliance | 318 |
14:30 – 16:00
14:30 – 16:00
| Paper Session 1 Moderator: Matt Monnot University of San Francisco Ø Overseas Acquisition and Domestic Growth of EMNEs: The Role of Economic and Institutional Distance Donghong Li Tsinghua University Dong Chen Loyola Marymount University Yingchao Zhou Tsinghua University Ø What Determine the Outcome of Chinese Firms’ Foreign Market Entry Attempts? The Influence of Firm Characteristics and Institutional Distance in The Case of Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment Shuo Zhang Central University of Finance and Economics Ø Impact from Region- and Industry-specific Experience on Value Creation in Serial Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions: Evidence from China Hongming Xie Zhejiang University of Technology Yan Zhang Zhejiang University of Technology Liming Wang Zhejiang Gongshang University Ø Learn from Others: Corporate Vicarious Learning and the Deal Completion of Cross-border M&As Zaiyang Xie Nankai University Weiwei Hu Nankai University Runhui Lin Nankai University Ø Rapid Internet Expansion through Cross-border Portals Ziliang Deng Renmin University of China Ziyan Zhu Renmin University of China | 413 |
Paper Session 2 Moderator: Zhenzhen Xie Tsinghua University Ø FDI in Emerging Market and Product Diversification of Newly Industrialized Economy Firm Yongzhi Lian National Taiwan University Ø Outward Foreign Direct Investment by Foreign Subsidiaries of MNEs into New Overseas Destinations Ziliang Deng Renmin University of China Tingting Li Renmin University of China Peter W. Liesch The University of Queensland Ø The Cost of Sentiment on Acquisition Premium for Emerging Market Investors Hao Wang Ohio State University Ø The Influence of English Language Ability on Employees' Expatriation Willingness Jie Li Shanghai University Yue Zhao Shanghai University Xue Han Shanghai University Ø Second Generation's Effect on Chinese Family Firms' International Expansion Zhenzhen Xie Tsinghua University | 111 | |
Paper Session 3 Moderator: Yi Ke East China University of Science and Technology Ø How Does Government Support Affect a Chinese Acquirer’s Long-Term Performance After a Cross-border Acquisition? Wenjun Tu Ningbo University Xiaolan Zheng Nottingham University Business School China Lei Li Nottingham University Business School China Zhang(John) Lin The University of Texas at Dallas Ø Ownership Structure of Foreign Direct Investment of Chinese Firms: Integrating Global Value Chain Perspective and the Institution-based View Tianle Yang Zhejiang University of Technology Lei Li Nottingham University Business School China Ø Location Choice of State-owned Multinational Companies: A Review and Research Agenda Bin Zhang Peking University Dongfang Zhang Peking University Changqi Wu Peking University Ø Political Connections and Internationalization Speed of New Ventures: A Legitimation Perspective Jiayan Yan Renmin University of China Ø Can Domestic Industries Really Learn to Innovate More Efficiently from Inward Foreign Direct Investment? Evidence from China Xiaoxi Liu Peking University Wenjing Ruan Peking University | 318 | |
16:00 – 16:30 | Tea Break Lobby of the 4th Floor | |
16:30 – 18:00
16:30 – 18:00
16:30 – 18:00 | 论文报告1 主持人:杨桂菊 华东理工大学 点评人:王增涛 西安交通大学 Ø 股权集中度、所有权性质与企业对外直接投资决策 占 云 华侨大学 陈初昇 华侨大学 衣长军 华侨大学 燕晓娟 华侨大学 Ø 跨境电商、华商网络与OFDI 燕晓娟 华侨大学 陈初昇 华侨大学 衣长军 华侨大学 Ø 金融发展与企业对外直接投资:企业集团的调节作用 陈煦畅 中国科学院大学 吕 萍 中国科学院大学 Ø 环境规制、投资动因和中国对外直接投资——来自“一带一路”沿线国家的经验证据 吴建祖 兰州大学 郑秋虾 兰州大学 Ø 知识产权制度影响下企业国际化研究述评 王墨林 华东理工大学 | 413 |
论文报告2 主持人:柯 奕 华东理工大学 点评人:吴先明 武汉大学 Ø 海外华侨华人网络、组织学习与企业对外直接投资逆向技术创新效应 王玉敏 华侨大学 衣长军 华侨大学 陈初昇 华侨大学 Ø 中国对“一带一路”投资逆向技术溢出效应机制研究——基于清晰集的定性比较分析 徐 娜 天津科技大学 于晓桃 天津科技大学 Ø 国际产能合作对装备制造业创新能力的影响研究————基于DEA—Malmquist方法的分析 蒋玉洁 天津科技大学 陈情缘 天津科技大学 Ø 基于企业能力理论对跨境电商企业绩效的影响研究 周叮波 百色学院 覃庆华 百色学院 Ø 海外并购何以学有所成? 王启虎 华东理工大学 | 111 | |
论文报告3 主持人:关 涛 华东理工大学 点评人:周 俊 苏州大学 Ø 整合程度、吸收能力与海外并购创新质量:一个被调节的中介效应检验 吴先明 武汉大学 张玉梅 武汉大学 胡 晓 武汉大学 Ø 适应制度环境的企业开发与探索创新战略有助于提升其国际化绩效——基于“一带一路”制造业企业的样本 吴晓云 南开大学 杨冠华 南开大学 Ø 基于模糊集定性比较分析的跨国技术并购创新绩效研究 牛晓晨 北京理工大学 孟凡臣 北京理工大学 高 鹏 北京理工大学 Ø 墙外开花,墙内香——跨国并购对企业媒体声誉的影响研究 吴 琼 华东理工大学 | 318 | |
18:00 –20:00 | Dinner Friendship Canteen, East China University of Science and Technology (友谊餐厅,华东理工大学) |
May 26th, 2019 | ||
Time | Activities | Venues |
8:00 – 8:25 | Opening Speech Haifeng Yan Dean, School of Business, East China University of Science and Technology
Welcome Speech Baijun Wu Vice President, East China University of Science and Technology
Xiaohua Yang Founding director of the China Business Studies Initiative, School of Management, University of San Francisco
Yuping Chen Dean, School of Business Administration, Xinjiang University of Finance & Economics | 406 |
8:25-8:40 | Photograph Lobby of the 4th Floor | |
8:40–9:25 | Keynote Speech 1 Reaching for the World: China’s Outward FDI Oded Shenkar The Ohio State University
Moderator: Liang Wang, University of San Francisco
| 406 |
9:25 – 10:10 | Keynote Speech 2 Bring History into IB Research Changqi Wu Peking University
Moderator: Liang Wang, University of San Francisco
| 406 |
10:10 – 10:30 | Keynote Speech 3 The Belt and Road Talent Development in Finance & Economics Universities Yuping Chen Xinjiang University of Finance & Economics
Moderator: Liang Wang, University of San Francisco
| 406 |
10:30–11:00 | Tea Break Lobby of the 4th Floor | |
11:00—11:20 | Keynote Speech 4 Economic Growth in Emerging Markets and the Changing North-South Relationship Wenlin Chen China Center for International Economic Exchanges
Moderator: Xiaohua Yang, University of San Francisco
| 406 |
11:20–12:30 | Executive Panel Beyond Trade Dispute—How Should Chinese and American Companies Respond to the New U.S. – China Economic Relationships? Moderator: Roger Chen University of San Francisco Organizer and Co-Moderator: Gleb Nikitenko University of San Francisco Panelists: Bob Theleenn ChinaVest Jeff Wu Symbio Michael Chen Hina Group Brinton Scott Winston & Strawn Richard Huang Shihua HeZhong Technology | 406 |
11:00–12:30 | 中文论坛3 主持人:李 骥 香港浸会大学、华东理工大学 点评人:李炜文 中山大学 李 瑜 对外经济贸易大学 演讲者: Ø 入驻开发区与国际化创业 贺小刚 上海财经大学 Ø 制造业跨境并购的网络拓扑之时空分析 谢洪明 浙江工业大学 Ø 制度和资源双重影响下的中国企业“走出去” 陈立敏 武汉大学 Ø 观管理哲学:框架、原理和实践的思知行一 孙新波 东北大学 Ø Product strategy and performance: Chinese EV firms’ dual responses toward market and institutional logic 杨静钰 悉尼大学 | 401 |
12:30 – 13:30 | Lunch Canteen (1st Floor), School of Business, East of China University of Science and Technology | |
13:30 – 14:20
| Keynote Speech 5 History and IB research Mike W. Peng University of Texas at Dallas
Moderator: Haifeng Yan, East China University of Science and Technology
| 406 |
14:20 – 15:50 | Theoretical Development Panel Moderator: Chi Anyansi-Archibong North Carolina A&T State university Ø China’s Outward FDI: Past and Future Oded Shenkar The Ohio State University Ø Rendanheyi in the United States of America: A Post FDI Integration Marshall Meyer University of Pennsylvania Ø International Expansion of Emerging Market Firms: A Path-dependence Logic Ping Deng Cleveland State University Ø Culture, Institutions, and Intellectual Property Rights Mike W. Peng University of Texas at Dallas
Prelude: Xiaohua Yang University of San Francisco | 406 |
14:20 – 17:20 | Sino-U.S. Student Forum Moderator: Jonathan Dahan University of San Francisco Ø DJI: American Growth Opportunities Colby Pratt University of San Francisco Ø Baidu: Strategies to Increase Brand Awareness in the US Malia Aiello University of San Francisco Gigi Supapo University of San Francisco Shantanu Goenka University of San Francisco Ø Tencent and Riot Games: Beyond Gaming Kalina Stephani University of San Francisco Priscilla Hoang University of San Francisco Ø Foxconn in Wisconsin Ning Yan University of San Francisco Jeff Nguyen University of San Francisco Amanda Pinto University of San Francisco Ø How does a Chinese College Student Start his Business: The Stories and Thoughts of a Young Entrepreneur Ziqi Zuo East China University of Science and Technology Ø Tik Tok: A Business Opportunity behind National Pastime Jiaxin Zhao East China University of Science and Technology Ø How do Chinese Companies make Social Donation Decisions? Qian Kuang East China University of Science and Technology Ø Xianyu: More than an Online Flea Market Yaxian Zou East China University of Science and Technology | 401 |
15:50 – 17:20 | Doctoral PDW Chair: Matt Monnot University of San Francisco Faculty Mentors: Roger Chen University of San Francisco Ping Deng Cleveland State University Ping Li University of Nottingham Ningbo China Ping Lv University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Liang Wang University of San Francisco | 406 |
17:20 – 17:30 | Closing Remarks | 406 |