西蒙弗雷泽大学Natalie Bin Zhao教授讲座

发布者:英国正版365官方网站办公室     时间:2019-06-05     阅读次数:1962

讲座题目:The Effects of Negative Emotions on Motivation to Learn from Errors in Organizations  

主讲人:Professor Natalie Bin Zhao

讲座时间:2019年6月11日 下午15:00-16:30





Learning from errors has received significant research   attention in organization and management studies. Although it is widely accepted that negative emotions play an important role in learning from   errors, we lack an overarching theory to explain how negative emotions   influence learning from errors. Drawing on research on emotions and learning   from errors, we develop an integrated theory to fill this gap. The proposed   theoretical framework explains the inhibiting and stimulating roles of   negative emotions on learning from errors by focusing on the mechanisms   through which negative emotions affect motivation to learn. We also used the   proposed theory to illustrate the differential effects of discrete negative   emotions on motivation to learn. We discuss practical implications and   conclude with directions for future research.



Natalie Bin Zhao,拥有新加坡国立大学的硕士学位,加拿大西安大略大学毅伟英国正版365官方网站的博士学位。现在Simon Fraser University英国正版365官方网站企业管理系 终身教授,系主任,研究企业管理(主要是差错管理,创新,和绩效管理),授课人力资源管理。她的研究成果曾发表在像Academy of Management Review,Journal of Organizational Behavior, 麻省理工管理探讨等世界一流顶级学术期刊杂志。她目前的合作研究项目包括与哈佛英国正版365官方网站和医学院的团队研究差错管理,绩效管理和创新,并是差错管理领域的理论奠基者之一。出国留学前,她曾经在国内商界工作过4年。





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