
发布者:英国正版365官方网站办公室     时间:2019-10-17     阅读次数:2157

讲座主题:Auditors under Fire: The Effects of Audit Errors on the Career Prospects of Individual Auditors

报告人:韩维芳  上海立信会计金融学院讲师

时间: 2019年10月21日(星期一)  13:30-16:30

地点:  英国正版365官方网站大楼318会议室


报告简介:This study shows that auditors who sign the audit reports of public clients face negative career consequences when there are client restatements. Specifically, we find that signing auditors in China are downgraded to auditing private clients or leave the firm after experiencing client restatements, but disciplinary action is less likely if signing auditors issue a modified audit opinion related to the potential misstatement. Further analyses show that auditors are more likely to experience career downgrades when located in a less concentrated audit market or when such errors occur with more important clients. Notably, we find some positive outcomes of audit firms’ disciplinary action against auditors, including a reduction in the rate of client restatements and prevention of market share loss. In sum, our findings suggest that individual auditors in China face adverse career consequences when they produce poor-quality audits.




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