讲座:Regional Environment for Attracting and Retaining Foreign Direct Investment: A Configurational Analysis of Chinese Provinces

发布者:英国正版365官方网站办公室     时间:2019-10-23     阅读次数:2221

题目:Regional Environment for Attracting and Retaining Foreign Direct Investment: A Configurational Analysis of Chinese Provinces


时间: 2019年10月28日13:30—15:00

地点: 英国正版365官方网站318室



This study examines the entry and exit of multinational enterprises (MNE) across regions in China. We explore the configurations of regional economic and institutional factors that attract and retain MNEs. We analyse the strategic entry and exit of MNEs in 31 Chinese provinces during 2001-2007. Our fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) reveals multiple regional competitiveness profiles, as configurations of economic and institutional conditions, that are associated with a large scale of MNE entries and/or exits. In general, our findings suggest that it is the collective influence of Porter’s (1990) diamond factors, rather than individual conditions, that contributes to the attractiveness of a regional market to foreign investors. Specifically, we find that while MNEs tend to exit regions with deficiencies in economic conditions, they are attracted to regions with favourable economic conditions and low state intervention, which also results in heightened market competition that results in restructuring of foreign investors. 


范笛(莫纳什大学管理学博士,国际注册会计师) ,澳大利亚西澳大利亚大学UWA英国正版365官方网站(珀斯)的国际商务/战略管理副教授 (西澳大学是澳大利亚八所常青藤高校之一,其商业管理专业研究实力名利澳大利亚高等学府前茅,也是其优势学科), 并负责主讲MBA项目核心课程。他目前的研究兴趣包括国际商业战略、国际人力资源管理和中国管理。

他的论文见诸于高质量的国际性学术期刊上, 诸如:Organization Studies, Regional Studies, Journal of World Business, International Business Review, Technovation, Global Strategy Journal, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, and Human Resource Management Review etc。他还担任 Asia-Pacific Journal of Management《亚太管理》、Management and Organization Review《管理与组织评论》、International Journal of Human Resource Management《国际人力资源管理与管理》杂志的编委成员,他同时兼任两个SSCI 期刊Asia-Pacific Journal of Human Resources《亚太人力资源杂志》和Chinese Management Studies《中国管理研究》的执行副主编。

范博士是管理学院(AOM)、国际商务学会(AIB)、中国管理国际研究协会(IACMR)和澳大利亚注册会计师协会(CPAs)的成员。他曾参与过许多美国,澳大利亚和中国经理人的国际高管培训项目, 并为多个中国投行,新能源公司,及澳大利亚国民银行(NAB)高管提供咨询服务。


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