讲座:Publishing in supply chain and logistics management: some experiences

发布者:运营与供应链管理研究所     时间:2019-11-02     阅读次数:2281

题目: Publishing in supply chain and logistics management: some experiences

报告人:Ou Tang,瑞典林雪平大学教授

时间: 2019年11月5日15:30—17:00

地点: 团结四楼三楼报告厅





Ou Tang is Professor of Production Economics at Linköping University, Sweden.  He served as associate editor and editor in the International Journal of Production Economics since 2008, and he is the past-president of the International Society for Inventory Research. Ou Tang’s principal research interest is in the field of operations and supply chain management, more specifically it includes inventory modelling, manufacturing planning and control systems, closed loop supply chain management, supply chain risk management, service operations management, and China related operations management issues. He has published more than 100 scientific articles, including 60 appearing in international journals such as the European Journal of Operational Research, Computers and Operations Research, Omega, International Journal of Production Economics, Production and Operations Management, and others.

Ou Tang has extensive industrial experience with his research projects. As the principle investigator, he has audited and analyzed production and logistics systems, and proposed improvement suggestions in about 50 companies such as Volvo, Ericsson, Sapa, Siemens, Hewlett-Packard, General Electric, Alf Laval, Electrolux, TOYOTA/BT, IKEA, among others. He is also actively teaching courses at bachelor, master and doctoral levels in Sweden, Germany, Italy, France, Japan and China. Besides, her also offers education in MBA and EMBA programs.



(1)从学术和企业实践的经验出发,交流目前Logistics and Supply Chain领域的热点研究课题,分享以IJPE、EJOR等杂志关注的最新研究热点话题;





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