工商管理系列讲座第20期:How consumers manage embarrassing service encounters: The role of dehumanization

发布者:工商管理系     时间:2021-06-16     阅读次数:9190

讲座主题:How consumers manage embarrassing service encounters: The role of dehumanization







The current research investigates dehumanization as a way consumers manage feelings of embarrassment experienced in retail and service contexts. The results of six experimental studies (three in a field setting and three conducted online) provide converging evidence that when consumers buy embarrassing products or require an embarrassing medical service, they dehumanize the service provider. Specifically, when in an embarrassing service interaction, consumers tend to engage in mechanistic dehumanization, perceiving service providers as more mechanistic and less capable of emotional reactions than when in a non-embarrassing service interaction. The studies also show that when faced with embarrassing retail or service situations, consumers prefer service providers who show a mechanistic demeanor over those who are warm and looking to build rapport. These findings extend the dehumanization literature by providing an example of a subtle, everyday form of mechanistic dehumanization, and contribute to the research on embarrassment by identifying a unique way that consumers manage their feelings of embarrassment in retail and service encounters.



王雪华副教授:博士毕业于香港城市大学,曾就职于澳门科技大学与上海财经大学,目前为华东师范大学经济与管理学部亚欧英国正版365官方网站副教授。教授了营销管理、战略品牌管理、社会科学方法论以及社会心理学等课程,并在Journal of Marketing Research、Journal of Service Research以及Journal of Business Research等国内外顶级和权威期刊上发表论文十余篇,主持相关国家自然科学基金项目。


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