奥利弗•哈特合同与治理研究中心 学术论坛第10期

发布者:经济学系     时间:2021-10-18     阅读次数:2905

报告题目:Net neutrality and price discrimination on either or both sides of the market(网络中立原则与针对市场单边或双边的价格歧视)

报告人:Romain Lestage(中央财经大学)





Romain Lestage于2011年获得法国Université Sorbonne Paris Nord经济学博士学位,曾在法国和韩国从事研究工作,现任中央财经大学副教授。他的主要研究领域为应用微观理论、产业组织、数字经济等,论文发表于Journal of Industrial Economics、Journal of Regulatory Economics(3篇)等权威期刊。


We study how net neutrality regulations on the content-provider side and the internet-user side interact. We adopt a reduced-form approach where deviations from net neutrality come in form of price discrimination that is triggered either directly by asymmetries across content providers or indirectly by the preferences of internet users in terms of contents. We show that unconstrained discrimination yields higher welfare than full net neutrality, where discrimination is banned on both sides of the market. However, net neutrality on the user side may dominate unconstrained discrimination. These results are driven by the existence of consumption reallocation effects on the content and the user side, and variations in the network externalities, whose direction and relative intensity depend on the balance of the network effects.


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