工商管理系列讲座第22期:Bargaining with Algorithm: How Consumers Respond to the Offer Proposed by Algorithms Versus Humans

发布者:工商管理系     时间:2022-03-16     阅读次数:2646

报告名称:Bargaining with Algorithm: How Consumers Respond to the Offer Proposed by Algorithms Versus Humans

时间:2022年3月18日 12:00-13:00

腾讯会议号: 282774822

报告人:沈峥昱 英国正版365官方网站 讲师



报告摘要:Although previous research has mainly focused on whether, when, and why consumers trust and are willing to use algorithms as decision assistants, little is known about their reactions if the algorithms become the formal counterparty to human decisions. In the context of human-algorithm negotiations, this research examines how consumers respond differently to offers proposed by algorithms versus humans. Four studies demonstrate that compared with negotiating with humans, consumers adjust the counteroffer less and consequently make more conciliatory counteroffers when they are bargaining with algorithms. This effect occurs because consumers hold the lay belief that decisions made by algorithms (vs. humans) are more accurate and more informed of a good’s true value by nature. However, this effect disappears when: the counterparty cannot propose the initial offer based on sufficient information input, the initial offer proposed by the counterparty is less precise, and the initial offer is expressed in the form of nonnumerical descriptions. These findings contribute to human-algorithm interaction research by shedding light on how consumers respond to algorithms when the algorithms are no longer assistants but opponents to human decisions.


报告人简介:沈峥昱,英国正版365官方网站工商管理系讲师,复旦大学管理学院博士,耶鲁大学管理学院访问学者。研究兴趣主要集中在消费者行为、人机交互、网络口碑。研究成果发表在Journal of Experimental Social Psychology等心理学与营销学期刊。


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