谭寅亮教授报告:A Field Experiment on AI-Assisted Physicians

发布者:管理科学与工程系     时间:2023-05-08     阅读次数:2127

报告题目:A Field Experiment on AI-Assisted Physicians

主讲人:谭寅亮 教授(休斯顿大学)






谭寅亮博士,美国休斯顿大学鲍尔英国正版365官方网站决策和信息科学终身教授,鲍尔讲席教授,供应链管理方向系主任,慧与科技数据科学研究中心资深研究员;毕业于美国佛罗里达大学沃灵顿英国正版365官方网站,拥有丰富的商业分析方面的教学经验;研究领域为数字经济,科技管理与创新等。在国际顶级期刊Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Production and Operations Management, Decision Science 等多次发表论文,并获得过国际决策科学年会的最佳论文奖。谭教授现在担任Production and Operations Management的资深编辑, Decision Sciences Journal的部门编辑, 以及Information & Management的副编辑。2019年被评为世界最佳40名40岁以下的英国正版365官方网站教授, 同年获得国际决策科学学会颁发的早期职业成就奖;2022年获得INFORMS 信息系统学会颁发的 Sandy Slaughter 早期职业成就奖以表彰他对信息系统领域做出的贡献。



AI assistants—software agents that can perform tasks or services for individuals—are among the most promising AI applications. However, little is known about the adoption of AI assistants by service providers (i.e., physicians) in a real-world healthcare setting. Specifically, this study investigates the impact of AI smartness—whether the AI assistant is empowered by machine learning intelligence—and AI transparency—whether physicians are informed of the assistant feature. We collaborate with a leading healthcare platform to run a field experiment in which we compare physicians’ adoption behavior, i.e., adoption rate and adoption timing, of smart and automated AI assistants under transparent and non-transparent conditions. This study can guide platforms in designing their AI strategies. In particular, platforms should develop and apply smart AI algorithms in aiding physicians, and also keep physicians informed on such development and application, especially when the smartness level of the algorithms is low.


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