Piyush Sharma 教授讲座及研讨会

发布者:金融学系     时间:2023-08-18     阅读次数:1594

报告题目: Green finance and emerging digital technology

主讲人:Piyush Sharma 教授(科廷大学 Curtin University)



主持人:严思远 博士




In this seminar, I share specific examples of my research on the interface between marketing and finance disciplines, published in top journals such as JIBS, JBE, JAMS,IJRM, and JBR etc. I cover a wide range of topics such as investor sentiment, political connections, relative compensation, third-party certification, ESG and green bonds, IPO marketing, investor relations and corporate governance. I also describe how I have built an understanding of the research perspective and approaches used by our finance colleagues and combine it with my own marketing knowledge to develop our joint research ideas and to convert those into good quality publications. This seminar is particularly useful for researchers trying to collaborate with those from other fields to develop cross-disciplinary projects.


Piyush Sharma是澳大利亚科廷大学杰出教授 (John Curtin Distinguished Professor),商业管理领域全球知名学者,现担任科廷大学学术委员会委员和澳大利亚国家基金委学部主任。他曾被Elsevier评为全球前2%顶尖科学家,自2018年以来,他的研究获得超过6500次引用。他担任过一系列商科重要期刊如Journal of Business Research、Journal of Service Research、Marketing Intelligence & Planning、Journal of Knowledge Management的主编。他的研究覆盖市场学、绿色金融、新兴数字技术、战略管理、跨国企业等领域。他在Journal of International Business Studies (UTD 24), Journal of Business Ethics (FT 50), Journal of Academy of Marketing Science (ABS 4) 等国际权威期刊上发表了110多篇论文。他曾担任香港理工大学英国正版365官方网站副院长(国际交流),在国际学术会议上发表过60多次主旨演讲,为澳大利亚和海外的高等教育、金融和健康服务行业以及国际商业领域的企业和非营利组织提供咨询。


Prof. Sharma will also comment on invited works. Feel free to contact the host if you wish to propose a project or working papers.

Piyush Sharma教授还会对受邀工作论文进行点评,若您有合作意向,欢迎提前联系主持人:严思远 siyuan.yan@hotmail.com


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